Nolle Prosequi
U.S. vs. The Gold Club, Jana Pelnis
Fulton County, Ga
Homicide of a Police Officer
Charge Reduced to Voluntary Manslaughter
State vs. Candace Overstreet
Clayton County, Ga
Co-Counsel with Bruce Harvey
Reversed on Appeal
U.S. vs. Sheriff Richard Lankford
Fulton County, Ga
Misdemeanor Battery
Charge Reduced
State vs. Clifford Harris
Henry County, Ga
Co-Counsel with Steve Sadow
Quadruple Homicide
Order for Directed Verdict
State vs. Freeman Salahuddin
Fulton County, Ga
Co-Counsel with Bruce Harvey
Barbara Moon Law
Double Homicide
One Acquittal and One Guilty Verdict
State vs. Lewis Joyner
Fulton County, Ga
Co-Counsel with Steve Sadow
Quadruple Homicide
Nolle Prosequi
State vs. Jean Long
Butts County, Ga
Co-Counsel: Barbara Moon